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“Wushang” | Enlightened all things, sharing the business strategy with floating life


Decade of grinding sword, practicing the fragrance of calligraphy.

In August, 2017, the Book “Wushang” which was composed by Zhang Ruihai, Chairman of BaiWu Technology, was published by Tsinghua University Press, it was sold hot in websites such as Amazon, Dangdang, JD and Tmall and offline bookstores including Xinhua Bookstore!

About “Wushang ”, as the name is, it is “realization”, what it realizes is the decree and morality of “Moral Classics”, and the image and theory of all things in the universe; it is “quotient”, which is the comprehension introspection on all phenomena of the objective world, and the discrimination to the essence of human and things. This article will help the readers to get better comprehension on the “previous and present life” of “Wushang” through introducing the key elements of the Book.


About “Moral Classics”

It was said in the ancient that “Half the Analects of Confucius Essense can govern a country”, currently, it is said that “1/4 essence of the Moral Classics can govern a country”, as one of the greatest classics of the Chinese traditional culture, the short “Moral Classics”, the precious deposit, has produced the eternal value of across time and space due to its profound and abstruse ideological system, and has been widely researched and chased by the Chinese and foreign people of literature and writing for over 2000 years. In accordance with the statistics of the United Nations Educational scientific and cultural organization, “the Bible” and “Moral Classics” rank the top two of total sales volume among world famous literacy works..

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes, there are a thousand worlds of no interference Doctrine in a thousand reader’s eyes, what “Wushang” displays is the world of “natural law” and “realization” of the “Moral Classics” readers. During the research of exploring how the decree and morality in “Moral Classics” to combine into one for carrying all things with great virtue, and obtain the wisdom of “Wushang” from the conversion and interpromoting relation of “having” and “not having”.

About “Wushang”

“Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotion Quotient (EQ)” are the most important ability in the modern society, IQ determines how far we can go in a certain extent, EQ determines whether we walk smoothly in another extent. What is “Wushang”? It is the wisdom of wider extent containing IQ and EQ and contains much more than them. “Wushang” is the ability of improving the talent of human through virtual practice and understanding the universe through improving savvy. The training of “Wushang” is capable of helping people to improve the IQ and EQ, which also means to improve the talents of human..

Originated from the insight and reveal of the origin of universe, human nature, the evolution law of all things in “Moral Classics”, the theory level of “Wushang” is mainly originated from the 5,000 words maxim and the rules of “Moral Classics”. Through the observation, realization and comprehension on the universe, summarizing the relation of numbers which can highly generalize these surface phenomena and the logic in “Moral Classics”, and then realizing the essential law between things, thus applying this kind of deeper comprehension to new things, and obtain the angle of higher level on viewing things and solving problems, this is the architectural system of Wushang from phenomenon to essence and then return to phenomenon.

“Wushang” is a quantity accumulation ability, it’s the repeated comprehension and exercise on knowledge and phenomenon; also, it is a qualitative leap, the savvy capacity integrated into the heart.

About the author

The author of “Wushang”, Zhang Ruihai, is the loyal fan of “Moral Classics”, the discoverer and practitioner of “Wushang” ideology. In 2004 in Hainan, as Wang Yangming’s “Enlightenment in Long Chang, Zhang Ruihai suddenly discovered “Wushang”. After over 10 years of repeated research on “Moral Classics”, and millions times of contemplation on all things in the universe, Zhang Ruihai constantly improved the contents of “Wushang”, and formed the complete system of “Wushang” ideology.

The practical experience of the author himself is also the perfect explanation on “Wushang”. As an entrepreneur, he never gave up innovation during the hardships, and finally realized the creation from zero in the whole industry chain field of enterprise communications; as the entrepreneur, he is operating several enterprises with the spirit of “Wushang”, which keeps steady and sustainable development under the spirit of never giving up of “Wushang” and the service philosophy of greatest virtue is like water, water benefits everything without contention”which is constantly promoting the development of Internet   and IoT   industries, and creating more value for the society, the enterprises and others.

Developing from nothing, the unity of theory and practice. Keep improving ourselves continuously, and the original intention of “the earth in its devotion carries all things”, Zhang Ruihai himself is the more vivid book of “Wushang”


(Zhang Ruihai, Author of “Wushang” and Board Chairman of BaiWu Technology,)

About BaiWu

“Wushang” is not only the realization of the author himself but also the realization of BaiWu Technology and every staff. Board Chairman Zhang Ruihai is publicizing the Wushang Culture in the enterprise, and practicing it in the enterprise management through Wushang classical reading, Wushang learning system, Wushang Lecture learning and communication.

As a kind of enterprise culture, it sets the enterprise philosophy and pattern as “The greatest virtue is like water, water everthing without contention”; as a kind of ideology, it inspires staffs to improve the product technical innovative capacity and service level; as a kind of management theory, it is the foundation for various management mechanisms of BaiWu Technology. it is said that if every enterprise had its soul, then the soul of BaiWu would be Wushang. Baiwu is constantly spreading the Wushang philosophical ideology and culture to staffs, clients and the society.

Enlighting your awareness in Baiwu, rising your infinite competence. BaiWu is the first practicing filed of Wushang, and is also the “ideal world” for its constantly growth and improvement.


(The Book “Wushang” is used for donation in the commonweal activities such as “Village • Chinese Dream”)

About “Wushang”

For 13 years, the ideology of “Wushang” was finally published. With unique understanding on “Moral Classics”, profound understanding to daily life, and the experience summary on the virtual practice, the Book “Wushang” describes the complete system and connotation from the aspects such as what is Wushang, Wushang training, physical fitness with Wushang and Wushang application.

After reading the Book, the readers will found that they have getting one more way to open the world and relax the mind. Maybe it is the ability of “changing unfavorable factors into favorable ones”, and transfers the disadvantage into advantage as Taiji, he face of life may be flipped accordingly; maybe it is the thinking of "take precautious", the sense of crisis is amplified for dozens of times in advance at any moment of life, thus getting the “super natural power” of realizing the future trend and quickly solving difficulties; maybe it is the summary on the rule of “All the creatures on the earth are formed from those visible, the visible from invisible, invisible is than visible”, everything in the world is born from the visible materials, and “visible” is born from the invisible spiritual ideology, all things are the evolution coming from nothing and breakthrough from zero to one, not to speak of people?

About “Wushang”, more findings are in the careful reading of the pages and the thinking and action of crossing the mountains.

Reading “Wushang”, more wonderful parts are in the realization experience of integrated thinking and action, and the actual practice of reducing evil desire through decree.